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Explore STEAM at HKUST

STEAM, encompassing the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics, plays a crucial role in shaping our society and rapidly transforming our way of living. To confront the complex challenges of the present day, the application of interdisciplinary knowledge to innovate and solve problems is essential, thus applying the knowledge of STEAM becomes one of the 21st-century skills. This summer, Center for Global & Community Engagement of School of Engineering of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is hosting a STEAM in Summer Event, providing an unique STEAM learning experience. Activities include the STEAM competition experiences, interactive STEAM booths , DIY corners and workshops for Secondary School students and School Teachers.

We warmly welcome teachers and students from primary and secondary schools to join us at HKUST and step into the world of STEAM!


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STEAM in Summer - Activities

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Interactive STEAM Booths STEAM Competition Experiences  
Workshops DIY Corners  
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STEAM for Everyone

A wide spectrum of activities is available to the public, which include STEAM Competition experiences, Interactive STEAM booths and DIY corners.

  • STEAM Competition Experiences: Get a taste of two major STEAM competitions. Learn about our Underwater Robot Competition, where participants control a diving robot to carry out specific missions. Also, be introduced to the Robot Explorer Cup, where participants navigate a robot through the game field of the Third Robot Explorer Cup
  • Interactive STEAM Booths:  Interactive games booths are set up for visitors to experience STEAM projects, such as Micro:bit related projects and award-winning Art Bot
  • DIY Corners: Participants can get hands-on experience by making their own STEAM crafts.

STEAM for Teachers and Students

STEAM in Summer event features workshops specially designed for school teachers and S.1 to S.5 students, offering them the chance to personally experience the importance and enjoyment of STEAM. Teachers are invited to attend a workshop on using Augmented Reality in teaching Underwater Robotics, and S.1-S.5 students are invited to join a Soldering Workshop to learn soldering skills. These workshops are free to attend, but they require prior registration (see HERE). 


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The Two Major STEAM Competitions

The Underwater Robot Competition and the Robot Explorer Cup are organized by the Center for Global & Community Engagement.

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Underwater Robot Competition
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Robot Explorer Cup